City News Shinagawa

Inter FM 76.1 Mhz Shinagawa Info

Multilingual FM City News Broadcasts
The city government broadcasts Shinagawa Info, a three-minute municipal news program, in several languages on InterFM (76.1Mhz) from 6:56 a.m., Monday through Friday.
The content of the broadcasts is available on the city’s website.

    The languages broadcast are as follows:
    Mondays: Chinese and Japanese
    Tuesdays: Korean and Japanese
    Wednesdays: Tagalog and Japanese
    Thursdays: English and Japanese
    Fridays: English and Japanese
Emergency and daily-living information will be broadcast during times of emergency.  


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Shinagawa City Office. 2-1-36, Hiromachi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-8715
Tel. 03-3777-1111